good news = positive energy
Are you also so happy with positive & good news? We do, that's why we will share as many good news items as possible including the feedback we receive from our loyal community. So if you have had a nice or special experience or have received something back that you never wanted to lose; call, email or app us!

good news

Why People May Be More Honest Than You Think

by Wendy Mubaiwa ,

Ever wonder if people are really as dishonest as the news makes us out to be? Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive into why people might...

Veteran donates 36 hectares of land for homeless veterans

by Niels Olde Heuvel ,

Besides their devotion to each other, Marty Weber and his long-time partner Jeff Poissant had many things in common. They had a business together. Both loved nature. Both loved...

Fair village

by Niels Olde Heuvel ,

We were lying on the sofa, last season of Breaking Bad. In front of the door stood a delegation from the Vomar in our village, two women strong. I knew the faces. Of course I did.

Australian Rob gets driving licence back 30 years after accident in 'unlikely find'

by Niels Olde Heuvel ,

In his twenties, Australian Rob Pyne (53) plunged from a boat into the crystal clear waters off the coast of Cairns. He landed on a sandbank, broke a vertebra and...

Colombian farmer finds 600 million USD in his garden from Pablo Escobar

by Niels Olde Heuvel ,

Jose Mariena, a farmer from Colombia just found 600,000,000 in the soil of his plantation estate. He was given permission by the Colombian government to cultivate the land...

Swinging away from your depression? It really can be done!

by Thnx Editors,

Dancing is good for you on so many levels... This will make you happy, won't it?

Miquell finds envelope with a lot of money

by Thnx Editors,

Miquell Bakker (30) found in the summer of 2019 an envelope at Utrecht Central Station, containing a sweet emotional letter and a large amount of money. For days he has been trying to find the rightful...

Man rescues puppy from mouth of crocodile

by Thnx Editors,

A 74 year old man from the American state of Florida has saved his dog from the mouth of an alligator at the risk of his life. The alligator in question already had its jaws...

Bizarrrrr ... you must have seen this one!

by Thnx Editors,

The most intelligent criminal in history! Believe me this TikTok you really need to watch until the end. Great story ... 😳😳 Check video

Magnetic fisherman's purse returned after 15 years

by Thnx Editors,

Purse found in canal after 15 years: 'The photos are still recognizable' Simone Rolink from Erica doesn't know what happened to her. Fifteen years ago the girl from Drenthe...


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